Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quick and Easy Blueberry Glaze

While at Jeremy's, we decided to have a pizza day, which turned into a having pizza for dinner only because we didn't have everything we needed for said pizza day.  Anyways, I wanted to make an awesome dessert pizza.  I decided on making a part Blueberry part Smore pizza.  The blueberry side was DEFINITELY our favorite.  It was delicious. 

Anyways, there is no picture of this one.  This recipe was told to me by my Mamaw Mary, one of the best people in the world.  She died in February, and I have missed her so very much.  She loved pancakes, and I've had a hard time making them since.  I used to make them for her when I made us some.  She actually disliked Blueberry Pancakes.  She got sick on some once and never liked them afterwards.  She loved the pumpkin pie ones and the apple topping ones that I made for her often.  But, she did teach me how to make homemade fruit glazes.  It is super simple.  They are not nearly as sweet as the premade stuff you get in the store.

It is excellent in pies or as a topping or on a dessert pizza.  I'll post how to make dessert pizzas tomorrow.


1/2 c. blueberries (can be frozen)
1/2 c. water
3/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch


1. Put the blueberries and water in a blender and blend until well combined.
2. Add the blueberry water mixture to a pot with the sugar until well combined.
3. Add in the cornstarch while the mixture is still cold.  If it is warm whatsoever, it will lump.  You do not want this.  Combine then heat.
4. Put the mixture on the stove on medium heat.  Stir continuously to keep from burning.
5. The mixture will start to thicken and bubble.  Once it starts bubbling, continue boiling and stirring for two minutes.
6. Remove from heat and let cool.
7. Pour over more blueberries or other berries. Chow down.

You can do this with any kind of berry.  I happen to be a big fan of blueberries.  Black Raspberries are my favorite, but I prefer to use them in dumplings.

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