Monday, April 23, 2012

Thin Mint Truffles

Jeremy loves Thin Mints.  They are pretty much his favorite cookie ever.  And he ordered a case of them for the two of us to eat.  A CASE!  Not all Thin Mints are vegan; however, the ones baked by the ABC Baking company are vegan.  He chekced to make sure, and they were!  So, there I was, staring at a case of Thin Mints. 

I wanted to make something good for him with them, so I came up with the idea of making Thin Mint Truffles.  They turned out great and were really easy to do. 

They are simple to make, and just take some time in the freezer to get to the right consistency for rolllig them out.  Exepct to have yourself be chocolatey, since it gets all over your andes at the least, and be ready to roll in the cocoa powder.  It is so very worth it.


1 sleeve of vegan Thin Mints
1 1/2 c. vegan chocolate chips (Ghiradelli Semi-Sweets are an option!)
2 Tbsp of chocolate almond milk
1/2 c. cocoa powder


1. Put a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Sit this in the fridge to chill the pan.
2. Take the Thin Mint cookies and place them in a ziploc baggie.  Now, smash the crap out of them.
3. In a microwavable bowl, add chocolate chips and chocolate almond milk.  Put in the microwave and heat for one minute. 
4. Remove and stir chocolate mixture.  If it does not smooth out, stick back in the microwave for 30 second intervals until it is melted.  You don't wanna burn your chocolate.
5. Stir crunched up Thin Mints into the chocolate mixture.
6. Set in freezer for 2 hours.
7. Put the cocoa powder in a medium sized bowl.
8. Take the chilled pan out of the fridge.
9. Remove the chocolate mixture from the freezer.  Takean ice cream scoop and scoop out about 1 inch sized balls of the chocolate.
10.  Roll balls in the palm of your hand to make them round and to warm up the chocolate a little.
11. Once ball is formed, roll in cocoa and set on the parchment paper.
12. When all chocolate is formed into little truffle balls, set back into the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
13. Take out and chow down.

This recipe is simple and delicious.  Totally worth the case of Thin Mints that we'll be working on for the rest of the year.  I'm excited to make him more!

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